“Viva la Mexico!”, or “How to see the true essence of this foreign country”, is the next chapter of the backpacks’ adventurous life. Come with them on a journey through sea, mountains, ancient ruins and many burritos, to experience the real Mexico. Please do us a favour! Do not believe in other backpacks stories, telling you that Mexico is dangerous, or difficult to travel. No land is perfect and there are dangerous places all around us. With a little awareness of the surroundings and an open mind, the journey through Mexico will only impress you and prove that the prejudices are for the ignorant.
The first step after landing in Mexico City International Airport is going through Immigration. This is easy but may take some time. However, the people are very nice, and the process is working well. N. Back has arranged a taxi in advance, which was waiting at gate 8 for the tired backpacks. The driver was a very pleasant man, taking a photo for his boss that the passengers arrived, and this process was repeated when arriving at the hotel.
Staying close to the Centro Historico is a good idea if you want to walk around. Many backpacks choose a hotel close to Zocalo because then you are literally on the main square. This however might be pricy, so we decided to stay on the outer border of the historical centre, but still in a walking distance from Zocalo.
N. Back and P. Pack have very diverse interests and they have finally landed in a country witch a rich culture. The curiosity of the local rituals and tradition was immediately satisfied by witnessing the Limpia spiritual cleansing. This is an indigenous ceremony which is helping to break unwanted cords. It includes smoke, herbs and a lot of singing and chanting. What a wonderful way to start our adventure in Mexico!

Since we are on the spiritual topic, have you heard of Dia des los Muertos??
We in Europe have a very sad (and not very healthy) behaviour towards death and mourning of our deceased family members and friends. Mexicans celebrate the Day of the Dead with a lot of parties and colours. This is one of the most important holidays and if you have ever heard of Halloween, you need to know about its origins (at least some believe it is Dia des los Muertos). During this holiday the Mexicans believe that the dead and the living people are reunited. There are many ofrendas in the city and huge festivals. We went to see the Catrina’s Parade. What a celebration!!

Taking an early morning tour to visit Teotihuacan, the most important archaeological site in the Mexico City area, was not easy. The humans had enjoyed partying in the warm, colourful night of the Dia de los Muertos, while tasting the delicious Mexican cerveza.😉
The distance from Mexico City to the site of Teotihuacan is around 50 km and it is one of the most important archaeological sites, visited by many tourists. It has been the largest archaeological site in Mexico, and it is home to the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon. The Aztecs found the ruins of the Teotihuacan and made it the spiritual centre of their empire.

Let’s skip a couple of thousands of years and land in the 21 Century. Can you believe that after visiting all these historical places, full of ancient knowledge and wonder we had some quite unexpected plans for the night?
Any idea?
Okay, let’s break the silence…We went to Lucha Libre wrestling! If you are wondering what the heck is this, just remember watching WWE and you will get the idea. There is a difference though, but you can evaluate and make your own impressions from the photos below.

“Hey N. Back, I’m the cool and easy-going backpack. I’ll carry your load without complaints. Just throw in your camera, water bottle, and maybe a hoody for Nelly – we’re ready for the day in Xochimilco!”
“You are such a globetrotter P. Pack! Always ready for your next adventure? Let’s explore the world’s UNESCO World Heritage site and its canals, but aren’t you afraid?”
“Afraid of what?? Canals?? We have been to Venice, did you forget?”
“Oh, come on, do your homework before you go somewhere! Have you heard of La Llorona, or the Weeping Woman. According to the story she was consumed by jealousy and grief and drowns her children at the river. Sometimes you can even hear her speaking when you are on a boat, strolling the canals of Xochimilco. Are you scared now?”

Having experienced so much in Mexico City, even the backpacks are getting tired and hungry and started complaining.
“I’ve been working hard carrying all your stuff. But you know what? I’ve got this rumbling going on, and it’s not for books or gadgets – it’s a serious case of hunger! Feed me, please! I’m craving some snacks, maybe a granola bar, or that sandwich you packed. Come on, don’t make me carry an empty stomach!”
After such a day the humans took their backpacks and went for a deserved dinner at the most iconic restaurant in Mexico City, Salon Tenampa. The reservation was made way in advance so there are no uncertainties this evening. Having shots of tequila and couple of frozen margaritas cheered up everybody. The food was delicious, and the table was suddenly full of guacamole and empanadas. The mariachis were singing on the next table and the travel story from Mexico City came to an end. Please, if you are still hungry for more from Mexico, turn to our story from the Yucatan, where you will find even more exciting backpacks’ adventures.

Your Backpacks,
N. Back and P. Pack
Secrets revealed:
- If you book a hotel, try to be on the border line of the historical city. In this way you will save a lot of money, and it might be a bit quieter. We stayed in Hotel Flamencos. It was a 10 min walk from Zocalo and the breakfast was amazing!
- Wifi is almost everywhere, we did not buy a local sim card. Just walk 100m in one direction and you will find the public free wifi. If you don’t, walk 100m in the other direction. 😉
- Limpia spiritual cleansing is part of the tribal culture in Mexico and many locals still participate. The cost is 50 MXN per person. Ask in advance!
- Teotihuacan is the most magnificent place for us in Mexico, way better than Chichén Itzá. It is a must visit, once you’re in Mexico City.
- We booked LUCHA LIBRE in advance, but it was not full. So you can decide and go spontaneously there. Please do not expect to see blood. Just drink michelada and enjoy the show.
- Xochimilco is full of boats, and the boat ride is not very special. You go around and people from smaller boats are selling you things. IMPORTANT: ask for the price of the drinks in advance and let the guide be there. They tried to trick us with the price by telling us one price and later a second one (almost double). Paying right away will solve such problems.
- Haggle, you might not manage to reduce the price by 50% but you have nothing to lose. Take the chance and if you save some money on the boat ride, just spend it on tacos. 😊
- Streetfood is THE thing in Mexico City. Don’t be afraid to try it; the food stands are clean the food is simply delicious (and extremely priceworthy, not to say “cheap”).
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