Milano è una bella città!


P. Pack: Hey N. Back, didn’t you like wine? I thought so! You will be very happy to hear that we are going to bella Milano! Clear your palate!

N. Back: Ok, P. Pack, do not worry! I have everything under control! We will take our owners on Friday afternoon to fly with Ryanair to Malpensa Airport. From there it is only 50 minutes by bus (10 € per direction; the cheapest option!) to Milano Centrale, which is the main train station. We stay at Hotel Folen, which is very quick to the station, so we will be quick with settling down.

After we arrived, we thought “It is still Friday evening, let’s explore the hidden gems of the Milano nightlife!”. We went for a drink. The receptionist pointed to the area of the Metro Station “Moscova” that will be a good area for a local experience. We headed directly to the predefined direction, but Nelly and Philipp were getting tired. Nelly saw a quite small street with bars, and we ended up waiting with Prosecco in our hands to be seated in “La Filetteria Italiana Vespucci”. The planned one drink we were hoping for turned out to be a bottle of Merlot with “Chimichurri Kangaroo Skewers” and Horse Tartare. Yeah, somehow this always happens when we follow Nelly’s ideas…

Milano Horse Tartare

The next morning, just after breakfast, we hit the streets of Milano again. The first stop of course: Duomo, the famous dome of Milano, dedicated to the nativity of St. Mary. We really wanted to go up and have a roof tour! Instead, we had to stay close to Philipp’s legs, while he made 100 photos of Nelly and the flying pigeons – Mission Impossible!

Milano Nelly Duomo

We were so bored that our owners finally heard our complaints and took us further. The day was warm and sunny, so the next destination turned out to be Sforzesco Castle. It is an enormous medieval-renaissance fortress with a lot of museums and parks. We read that one can see works by Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci! Having wandered around for about 3 hours we felt it is time for a refreshment: un Spritz! Please friends, do not go “Giangol bar”, which is just behind the Arco della Pace. It is a rip-off! 10 € for a bad Aperol Spritz and bad service. No thanks!

Milano Castle
Milano Arch

Our Milano journey continues with a little bit of shopping as all knew won’t escape us. Nelly had to visit our distant relatives from Furla. The good news was that the day passed so fast that It was again time for Aperitivo! What a disappointment it was that we were not allowed and had to go to this special place “Boccondivino”. Just have a look at the food section of our blog for more details on this experience.

Table full of Cheese
On Sunday morning we took the train to Lake Como. It was a spontaneous decision, since we had visited Milano before and wanted to see the “world’s most beautiful lake”. We bought a ticket for 4,20 € only and hopped on a train from Milano Centrale direction Chiasso, and after 45 mins we got out at Como San Giovanni. The sun was shining, birds were singing, the sky was blue, the water clean and we felt the heaven has come down to the earth.
Lake Como

We took a stroll on “Passeggiata Lino Geepi” and admired the endless villas with very well laid out Roman statues. You cannot miss them, must see it! We ended up at villa Parraviani Revel, where we took a break on a bench to enjoy the view of the small planes landing and starting on the lake. Next time we’ll take one of those! On the way back we discovered the city center with small cafés and Pasticcerias. We did try the delicious pastries from “Beretta Il Fornaio” and we can say “YUM!”.

Lake Como-Gallery

Around 4:15pm we took a train from the other train station of Como, “Como Lago”, to get to the airport. We had to change the train in Saronno, which took not longer than 5 mins and we arrived back to our second home, called the “Airport”.

This weekend trips are so much fun and a clever way to escape reality at home, work or even just to catch more sun in a southern city. The truth is, they are like little bonbons, which you snack, while waiting for the Birthday cake to arrive! To be fair, we did snack a lot this weekend, so please see our food and drinks section in the blog. Might be interesting for wine and snack addicts! 😉

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